
Dr. Upahi Johnson Enero

Dr. Upahi Johnson Enero

Lecturer I
Science Education
Office Address
Room 16, Floor 3, Faculty of Education Building, University of Ilorin.
Teaching and Research Area
Science Education and Chemistry Education Research


Dr. Upahi Johnson Enero is an academic and early-career researcher in the field of science education. He was a postdoctoral research fellow at the University of Johannesburg, South Africa. His research endeavour focuses on  context and problem-based learning, nature of science and scientific literacy, and science documents analysis. His recent research efforts focus on inquiry-based science education, learning progression in science and teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge (PCK). He is a strong advocate of contextual science learning that can promote students’ conceptual understanding of science concepts. He is interested in developing students’ understanding of the nature of science (NoS) as scientific literate citizens in diverse contexts. He belongs to various learned professional associations, namely: National Association for Research in Science Teaching (NARST), Southern African Association for Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education (SAARMSTE), Science Teachers’ Association of Nigeria (STAN). He has published some of his research endeavors in Quartile one (Q1) journals such as Research in Science Education (RISE), Chemistry Education Research and Practice (CERP), Science and Education (S & E), School Science and Mathematics (SSM).