Medinat Folorunso SALMAN, is a Professor of Mathematics Education in the Department of Science Education, Faculty of Education, University of Ilorin with over two decades of university teaching, research, and administrative experiences. She has served as Coordinator Educational Technology Center, Head of Department of Science Education, Dean of the faculty and member of Senate Representative on Academic Planning and Curriculum Committee among others. Her areas of research interest covers Curriculum Evaluation, Gender Issues in Mathematics, use of ICT, Mathematical language, bilingual instructions, and Ethnomathematics. She has to her credit over ninety publications in reputable outlets covering technical reports, edited conference proceedings, chapters in books and articles in local, national and international journals. She has successfully supervised over 56 Masters dissertation and 18 Ph.D. these. Professor Salman is a member of many learned societies and professional bodies such as Mathematical Association of Nigeria, National Association of Educational Researchers and Evaluators among others.